Hi to all.
I suppose that I am not the only person with this problem: "You park you bike, lock it, press the alarm button and... put all you keys in your pocket"... and as you walk away from the bike the alarm button is pressed inside you pocket.
This happens because the alarm-remote design is not right. Buttons are "higher" than the remote itself so if you press the remote with anything... first you press the button and then the remote case.
I am planning to solve this problem just openning the remote and changing the plastic buttons or polishing them for being thinner. The problem is: HOW TO DISASSEMBLY THE REMOTE KEY"??
It is really hard and I do not want to break it.
Any idea or advice?
Hello Javi,
I had the same problem, like many other CPx owners, and it is really annoying. Finally, here is how I solved the problem : I've stick adhesive hard foam (I had some left from the phone holder on my CPx) around the buttons.
Of course, it's not looking very beautiful (see picture above),
but it's very efficient! No matter how I shake or press my keys in my pocket, the remote won't be pressed inadvertantly anymore, and I now can finally use it.
Good Idea!!
I have a laser cutter and I also have some foam at home. I will go on with your nice idea 😉 Perhaps instead of foam I can use a piece of leather that I have a to home.