So, after putting 200 miles on my new bike and having my first fall (uphill left hand corner at 15mph, biggest bruise was to my ego thank goodness!), I'm thinking about modifying the bike in a couple of ways.
Firstly, I now have some damaged parts that need replacing. Nothing doesn't work, but one of my handlebars is ruler-straight and the other one is curly as a jester's shoe! I was looking on Amazon and handlebars seem to be readily available, does anyone know about compatibility?
Same question for mirrors. I visited a shop but they only had M10 fittings, can anyone advise? I think it's M8 but I'm not certain.
Finally, has anyone had any problems with the indicator? Mine seems to forget that I've it set to indicate, so if I'm waiting in traffic to turn right the flashing light just ceases without warning. Sometimes flicking the switch back and forth works, sometimes it won't work until I change mode, sometimes it just needs a minute. Anyone else have this problem?
Anyway, other than that, first 200 miles motorcycling have been awesome, and this is such a good beginner bike. No clutch to learn, nice and solid bike to feel safe on, and not too fast before I get ahead of myself!
Changed my handlebars on my TC for a better riding position. Also swapped my mirrors and added a RAMmount. Mirrors require an adapter from 10 to 8 mm. Removed some unwanted parts and raised the footrests so my knees fit more snugly against the 'tank'.
which handlebar did you put on your TC?
ABM Stuur Superbike 0229, took 5 mm. of both ends with a hacksaw.
sorry should be 50 mm.
Next mod will be my ugly brown seat.