Anyone looked into adding a USB circuit to soco bikes? My previous bike was a Xiao Niu and had the USB built-in. I'd rather not have a powerbank in the bank all the time, but don't know enough about EE to successfully wire it myself. Anyone have any ideas or starting points?
You can either connect to Socon's own converter 60v to 12v, used by flashers etc or buy an extra converter on eg ebay and connect.
From ebay:
You also can find panel mounted USB outlets;
this works great!
It has 12 volt input and mounts on your handlebar fine. The plastic cover switches the supply current off when used.
Finished my USB outlet. thank you @super-honda for the pictures, it helped me find the 12 volt adapter. Indeed the yellow wire is +12 volt and the black wire is the negative, (thank you @tomp)