28/06/2024 15:48
Hello I'm trying to build the cable. I have USB to TTL and bought the PCI-Express connector, but the controller connector is smaller. I have bought from Aliexpress and Amazon. Can someone put a correct purchase link? In the physical store they tell me that this is the only type of PCI-Express connector. I leave some photos. Thank you.
31/08/2024 18:09
Hello, I finally have the cable made. Thanks again, @antwerp for pointing me to the correct connector and @alinarghira for the connection scheme. The cable works perfectly. I can read the settings and save them. I have correctly changed the speed and power modes as indicated by Titimus in his videos. But, but, but: if I activate the regenerative braking "Enable EBS: 1-Enable" the engine does not work. I have tried all the combinations, but if the "Enable EBS: 1-Enable" option is activated, the bike does not work when using the throttle. I haven't read this issue on the forums or in the comments of Titimus videos. My bike is from 2021. Does anyone know what the problem might be? Thanks!
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