So small update, I have changed my plans slightly, I bought two niu 60v/35ah batteries, i will put them in parallel. This way I have more power but also exactly the same cells in both batteries. Still the extra niu battery together with the original battery was doing really well.
These batteries contain original panasonic cells, this counts for both types, only the 35ah has stronger cells compaired to the 29ah niu battery.
Only problem is that this way I will loose the battery indication, however I am going for a self build dash anyway.
Stripped the whole bike down, changed the controller for a sabvoton 72150 which has field weakening to increase topspeed.
The whole wire loom has been changed, removed all wires and the original controller, so everything is neat and clean, original dash won't work anymore, but I am going for another route anyway with this, I have prepared connectors for the new dash controller, so when its finished its just plug and play, will also add two 75A hall current sensors for both batteries, so all can be monitored when the new dash is installed.
Also added a movie of the realdash running on a tablet for testing.