My dealer have replaced the alarm module on my TS.
Now when I press power to turn the bike off it goes direct to locked and alarmed state.
Before when I pressed to turn off, the bike just turned off and I had to press the lock button on the remot to put the bike in locked and alarmed state.
Does anyone know if there is diferent settings for the power turn off and alarm?
And if so, can I change it myselfe?
Maybe a software update changed it or a wrong connection. At least better than having the alarm go on when you leave your bike that was the problem in the first place was it?
No, I discovered when I needed the spare remote that my dealer had mixed keys and remotes with another bike and they didn´t know whose or when so they had to replace the module and all the locks to give me the spares. All for free of course. But they aren´t that experienced and haven´t that will to help. No good dealer at all.
Yeah that was really annoying and I don't think they realize that this simply misstake really is a big misstake.
Did anyone ever found a way to setup TC alarm not to turn on as soon as the stop button is pressed (i.e. to manually activate alarm by pressing lock button on remote) ?