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Super Soco TS 1200R Won't Start with Battery Connected

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Hello, I’m having a serious issue with my Super Soco TS 1200R. The motorcycle won’t start when connected to the battery – it only turns on when plugged into the charger.

To give some background, I have two batteries. The problem initially began with one of them, which I'll call Battery A. When I connected Battery A to the bike, it would rarely start, and even when it didn’t, the bike seemed to "lock up" for a while. Afterward, when I switched to the working battery (Battery B), it would take several minutes before the bike would start.

Eventually, I stopped using Battery A and relied solely on Battery B. However, during one of my trips, I hit a small bump in the road, which caused the bike to shut off instantly. I tried starting it again hours later, and it worked, but now the bike won’t start with either Battery A or B.

Both batteries seem to be charged. When I connect a battery and plug in the charger, the bike turns on for a few seconds and shows that both batteries are around 80% charged. Also, I’ve noticed that the light on the power button doesn’t turn on when the bike is connected to the batteries; it only lights up if I plug in the charger.

Additionally, I can no longer charge the batteries through the bike. They will only charge if I connect the charger directly to the batteries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙁