Left the bike with 60% charge this morning. Switching on to ride home just now - 0% with battery symbol flashing. Lights come on and a short trip around the car park went fine but dare not set out across country. Will update when I find out what the problem isĀ
This has happened to me two or three times in the 6 months I have owned my TC Max. All I do is unplug the battery cable then reconnect it and it fixes it every time.
I had a battery who did that, I had 58% and shut it down because I went to work. Then I wanted to go home after work and started my TS it was 20%. Months later I went to my dealer because my battery died... maybe these are signs of dying battery.
Bought a 5 month old TC Max. Worked great for two weeks and then the batter wouldn't charge. Had about 40% charge so I went to drive it to the soco guy here in Beijing and the bike registered the battery as zero. The bike powered on but not charge showed. Cat ride, can't charge. Any thoughts?
The problem here apparently was with the alarm system. It has been repaired under warranty. If I can find out details, Iāll post them.