I got a new CUx some weeks ago, but the time to charge the battery from 10-15% to 100% takes at least 6-7 hours instead of the 3.5 - 4 hours it says in the manual.
Does anyone know if this normal, or is the battery not really ok?
I can't find any statement of the charging time in the manual. However different chagers are available. How many amp is your charger ?
I was told that the charging time would be about 7 hours with a 5 amp charger, however, in the UK we get an upgraded 10amp charger and it takes around 3.5 hours in total. Maybe you have the lower rated charger, if so those times are probably correct unfortunately.
Ah ok thanks for your reply, that explains it.. I only got a 4 amp charger with my scooter. It's a bit disappointing really how the specs are apparently different with any batch that arrives. Mine also hasn't got bluetooth / QR code, while others in NL do have it on their Soco.
The App is always a option (witch can be installed afterwards).
If your bike comes with or without fastcharger or app depends on your distributor.