exciting times...
(for comparison, lithium-ion is 100-250wH/kg power density)
True. The batteries are getting better but slowly. The next gen or best cells I think right now is the 20700 and 21700. Sanyo (NCR20700B) and Samsung 40T and 50E for the larger version 21700. That's the cells I'd use if I was going to make a powerful and volume / weight efficient battery.
My own build pack right now.
4,58kg / 1000wh (218wh/kg) and 293wh / L
Super Soco TS pack 60v 26ah. 11kg power: 60v x 26 ah = 1560wh (nominal) (1560wh / 9,8L (17x17x34cm battery size))
7,05kg / 1000wh (141wh/ kg) and "estimated" 158wh / L calculated from battery size
The TC pack will have a slightly higher/better value than the TS battery.