
Can't find the app
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Can't find the app

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Hello everyone,

Just taken delivery of my new TC MAX.

I'm trying to put the app on my Android phone, but I can't find it in the app store! It's driving me mad. What is it called, or what search terms should I use? "super soco" just comes up with loads of boxing games.

It shouldn't be this hard!



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I found a QR code in the back of the user manual but this is just a link,, and there's nothing there.


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Goodmorning everyone,

I just got my new TCMAX and I also can't find the Super Soco app on the Play Store ... I'm desperate!

I tried to scan the QR Code that is on the instruction booklet but I download the app in Chinese without the possibility of changing it!

could it be that it was withdrawn from the play store and therefore it is no longer available?

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(google translation) Goodmorning everyone, I just got my new TCMAX and I also can't find the Super Soco app on the Play Store ... I'm desperate! I tried to scan the QR Code that is on the instruction booklet but I download the app in Chinese without the possibility of changing it! could it be that it was withdrawn from the play store and therefore it is no longer available?

Not just me then 🙁

I also think they have withdrawn the app. It is easy to find on the apple store though.

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if it can be useful I found it on Aptoide and it's in English, I look for it in Italian but it's not there. will wait for it to be returned to the play store. 😭

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if it can be useful I found it on Aptoide and it's in English, I look for it in Italian but it's not there.


I will wait until they put it back on the play store.

Fantastic! Thank you!

When you log in, you have to select the country (for your phone number), but I don't know if that changes the language. Probably not.

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I have already tried but it does not change the language, it remains in English.

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I have already tried but it does not change the language, it remains in English.



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Ciao amico

In my country the app was not available and the app also requires that you have a cell phone / 3G card which is physically located on the left side inside my Super Soco TS. (Mine didn't have a physical computer to take the SIM card)

In England they wrote that it now works. I also wanted to use the app at the beginning but I don't need it.

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App is back in the Google Play store.

Still the same old rubbish app though. I just reviewed it and gave it 1 star.

Apparently my home address is "null11".


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What I meant to say was

"at some point in the last month or so, the app has silently re-appeared in the google play store, but there was no news from the manufacturer"

Its like the app doesn't exist. And we, the customers, don't exist.

